Home Articles Treatments for Hypertension

Treatments for Hypertension

Medications And Measures To Treat High BP

High blood pressure can be effectively controlled through a methodical approach of lifestyle changes and medications. You’d be surprised at how simple some of the remedies might seem yet how useful they can turn out to be.

Sodium Intake and High Blood Pressure: The Salty Truth

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Sugar and Blood Pressure: Understanding the Connection

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Chia Seeds for Blood Pressure: Benefits and How to Use Them

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Eggs and High Blood Pressure: What You Need to Know

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Lemon Juice and High Blood Pressure: A Heart-Healthy Combination

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Hibiscus for blood pressure

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The Banana Effect: Understanding its Impact on Blood Pressure

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Secrets of the Red Jewels: Role of Pomegranates in BP Control

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Milk Matters: Untangling the Relationship with Hypertension

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Ginger and High Blood Pressure

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7-Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss & BP Control

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Understanding High Blood Pressure

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Blood pressure and erectile dysfunction (ED)

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Congestive Heart Failure: Symptoms, Stages & Treatment

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Hеrbal Rеmеdiеs for Hypеrtеnsion: Fact vs. Fiction

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Fruits that help lower blood pressure

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Beetroot juice and blood pressure: Study and benefits

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Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure Relief

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Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Hypertension

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11 Herbs That May Help Lower High Blood Pressure

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What is an Electrophysiology Procedure? Tests, Benefits & Risks

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Vasoconstriction: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

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Sudden Cardiac Arrest – Symptoms and Causes

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Orthostatic Hypotension: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

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Lipoproteins: What They Are, Function & Importance

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Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

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How Cardiac Rehabilitation Can Help to Heal Your Heart?

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ACE Inhibitors for Heart Hypertension Treatment

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Vasodilators Drugs: Types, Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

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Stress Echo Test: Purpose, Procedure & Results

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Alpha-blockers Drugs: Types, Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

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Holistic Healing: Ayurvedic Solutions for High BP

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Common Side Effects of BP Tablets

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Cardioversion Therapy: Procedure, Treatment & Risks

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Beta-blockers: Types, Uses and Side Effects

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Angioplasty: Meaning, Types, Procedure and Risk

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Heart Pacemaker – What is It and How do they Work?

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Echocardiogram – Echo Tests and its Treatment

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Why is High Blood Pressure So Hard to Manage?

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High Blood Pressure Treatment Guidelines for Pregnant Women

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Mindfulness Meditation Technique to Lower Blood Pressure

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Management of Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease

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Understanding High Blood Pressure and its Management

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Does Aggressive Treatment of Hypertension Lead to Low BP?

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How to Control the Symptoms of Hypertension Without Medication

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Accurate BP Monitoring & Effective Hypertension Management by Dr. Anil Potdar

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High Blood Pressure – Risk Factors & What to do About it

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Hypertension Drugs and Their Benefits

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Compliance to Hypertension Treatment and Impact of Salt in BP Management by Dr. P Manokar

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Adherence to Blood Pressure Medications

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