Mudra for Hypertension: Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
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Uncontrolled hypertension accounts for a third of all the deaths that occur due to cardiovascular diseases like stroke and cardiac arrest. Seeking and experimenting with alternate therapies can help you find what works for you. In this article, we will delve into the healing power of yoga mudras for hypertension and how they can curb high blood pressure.
How Can Mudras Help with Hypertension?
A mudra is a hand gesture that helps energy flow more easily in the body. These finger and hand movements influence the nervous system and stimulate specific energy pathways. The principle of mudras is similar to the laws of thermodynamics and magnetism. Namely, the transfer of energy takes place from a higher level to a lower level. Yoga mudra for hypertension has the physiological effect of relaxing the muscles around blood vessels, allowing easy blood flow and in turn, lowering body pressure.
Top Mudras for Managing Hypertension
Here are the best mudras for hypertension to help you manage your BP:
Apana Vayu Mudra
Also known as Hriday Mudra, this mudra is said to relieve heart-related issues, improve digestion and control blood pressure. To practice the mudra:
● First, sit cross-legged and keep your spine erect. This position is also called sukhasana.
● Next, with the palms facing upwards, join the tip of the thumb with the tip of the middle finger and ring finger.
● Then, curl the index finger into the inner side of the thumb, so it forms a spiral-like shape.
● Finally, close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths.
Prana Mudra
This hand gesture promotes blood circulation and reduces stress levels. Regular practice of this mudra makes way for better mental clarity and well-being. Follow the below steps to perform the mudra:
● First, sit on the floor and cross your legs over one another.
● Join the tips of your little finger, ring finger, and thumb while keeping your index and middle fingers extended and at ease.
● Make your hands rest on your thigh and your palms facing up.
● Focus on your breath and maintain this mudra for at least 30 minutes for best results.
Gyan Mudra
Often referred to as the mudra of knowledge, Gyan mudra helps you sharpen your focus. The mudra soothes the nervous system, helping you feel calm and peaceful. Apart from helping with high blood pressure, the gesture also improves sleep quality, facilitates detoxification, and boosts immunity. To practise this mudra:
● Sit comfortably on the yoga mat and cross your legs over one another.
● Touch the tip of your thumb to your index finger, creating a small circle.
● Keep the other three fingers extended and relaxed.
● Hold the gesture for a few moments and breathe slowly and deeply.
Vayu Mudra
This mudra for hypertension is said to balance the airflow in the body and is effective for managing hypertension. The gesture clears the channels of unwanted and excess air or energy. Thus, these techniques calm the nervous system and balance energy levels. To perform vayu mudra:
● Sit comfortably on the floor and cross your legs over one another.
● Curl your index finger inwards, until the tip curls into the base of the thumb.
● Inhale deeply while keeping other fingers straight.
● Practice it for 5-15 minutes daily for best results.
Shunya Mudra
This hand gesture calms the nervous system thereby aiding in relief from hypertension. It relieves tension in the upper body, especially in the head and ears. This mudra for hypertension calms the mind, lowers restlessness and improves heart health. To perform the mudra:
● First, sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed.
● Fold your middle finger downwards, so the tip touches the base/centre of the palm. You can use your thumb to hold the middle finger in place.
● Focus on your breath and inhale slowly.
● Hold the position for 5 to 30 minutes 2-3 times daily.
Tips for Practicing Mudras for Hypertension
Here are a few tips to help you practice mudras like a pro:
● Choose a calm and distraction-free space to practice the mudras.
● Pair the yoga mudra for hypertension with deep breathing to enhance the effect.
● Practise regularly without exerting yourself.
● Seek help from a yoga practitioner to practise the yoga mudras correctly.
In a world where only 12% of individuals with hypertension in India have their BP under control, such mudras can come in handy. These ancient healing practices can help you feel reinvigorated. You can learn to manage your BP levels with these mudras for hypertension.
However, remember that the impacts of such alternative forms of healing can vary from person to person. Before choosing such methods over medicines, consult a yoga practitioner or a doctor to prepare yourself.
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