Secrets of the Red Jewels: Role of Pomegranates in BP Control
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While splitting up a pomegranate can be a challenging task, this fruit is worth that effort. The word pomegranate is derived from the Latin phrase punica(apple) granatum(seeded), which loosely indicates ‘apple of many seeds’. Underneath their leathery skin, pomegranates are divided into several chambers, filled with many ruby-red seeds called arils. It is the fleshy, transparent tissue that covers the pomegranate seed. The white membrane or flesh surrounding these seeds is edible, but it is discarded owing to its bitter taste. Native to Iran, pomegranates are cultivated in India, China, Russia, parts of the United States, Afghanistan and Japan. When it comes to pomegranate and high blood pressure, the fruit helps in keeping your heart healthy.
Pomegranate and high blood pressure
Excessive sodium consumption, an unhealthy diet, or a sedentary lifestyle are some of the factors that can cause plaque build-up inside the arteries, causing them to narrow. This restricts blood flow to the rest of the body. A high systolic pressure reading of over 180 mmHg and diastolic pressure over 120 mmHg is a sign of a hypertensive emergency, which can potentially lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Pomegranates for hypertension can lower blood pressure and help protect your heart, thereby preventing such situations.
Exploring the Nutritional Benefits of Pomegranate
Although arils are small in size, they are chock-full of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants. This fruit enhances your balanced diet and makes it more nutritious. Pomegranates for high BP contain several vital benefits, some of which are stated below:
- Pomegranate derives its red colour from a pigment called polyphenol found in many plant-based foods. Its antioxidant properties can help fight inflammation and aging.
- The antitumour, anti-inflammatory, and flavonoid properties of pomegranates prevent free radicals from damaging your cells and can be used in cancer treatment and prevention.
- Polyphenol compounds called punicalagins and ellagitannins are antioxidants that prevent artery walls from thickening and prevent the buildup of cholesterol and plaque.
- Pomegranate juice may help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which clogs arteries, leading to atherosclerosis.
- The fruit is low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, it can promote weight loss and ease constipation.
- Owing to pomegranate’s long shelf life, this juicy fruit is found year-round.
Research Evidence on Pomegranate and Blood Pressure
Pomegranate is a powerful anti-atherogenic agent. This means that their powerful antioxidants clean the arteries, reduce blood pressure, prevent the clogging of blood vessels, and protect the heart. Randomized clinical trials that studied the effects of pomegranate consumption on blood pressure inferred that the fruit reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. According to experts, one should consume three pomegranates a day for at least three months to boost cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure.
Incorporating Pomegranate into Your Diet
Apart from consuming the raw fruit, you can incorporate pomegranate for hypertension into your diet as a:
- Salad dressing, or sprinkle a few arils in oatmeal, hummus, or yoghurt with granola to make a parfait
- Refreshing juice, wherein you can add mint to the mix
- Pomegranate tea can be made with crushed seeds, dried pomegranate flowers, or by adding pomegranate juice concentrate to tea
- Smoothie with bananas, yoghurt, and pomegranate seeds
- Pomegranate molasses
Consuming pomegranate for BP can help keep hypertension at bay. But don’t restrict yourself to just this juicy and healthy fruit. Consume whole grains, plenty of fruits and green leafy vegetables, or a heart-healthy Mediterranean diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and healthy oils. Cut down your salt consumption, and avoid junk, oily, fried, refined, or processed food. Refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
1. How much pomegranate should I consume to see a benefit in blood pressure?
Some experts state that consuming three pomegranates for three months can reduce blood pressure. According to other sources, 43-330 milliliters of pomegranate juice can be consumed for up to 18 months to lower high blood pressure.
2. Can pomegranate interact with blood pressure medications?
Pomegranate for hypertension also interacts with some medications, like Angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, Crestor or similar drugs for high cholesterol that can break down in your liver, as well as blood thinners like warfarin. Therefore, consult your doctor before including pomegranates for BP into your diet.
3. Are there any side effects or precautions associated with consuming pomegranate for blood pressure management?
While pomegranate is a safe fruit to consume, some individuals might be prone to an allergic reaction. For those who have an allergy to plants, they need to watch out for symptoms, such as hives or troubled breathing.
Sources –
Disclaimer – This article is for information purpose only. Always consult your doctor in case of any blood pressure or other health-related problems.
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