Adherence to Blood Pressure Medications
Table of Contents
Blood pressure is an essential element that should be regularly monitored. An increase in the blood pressure levels for prolonged duration or hypertension can overload the heart. This must, therefore, be treated on priority.
High Blood Pressure Medication
High blood pressure medication is one of the most common treatment methods recommended by physicians around the globe. Other ways used along with blood pressure medications are diet management, exercising regularly, and stress management. As important as maintaining a healthy lifestyle for our blood pressure, hypertension medications play a crucial role in keeping stable vitals in high blood pressure.
High blood pressure medication helps prevent complications due to hypertension that include, but are not limited to, cardiac-, brain-, and kidney-related complications. Stroke prevention is also done with hypertension medication. It is vital to prevent brain damage that might cause coma or sometimes even death.
Even when physicians recommend not to, many patients discontinue or hold their blood pressure medications without consulting. This is mostly seen when their condition starts improving and the symptoms subside. This is a harmful and risky practice discouraged by medical professionals and must not be adhered to. This habit can cause serious health hazards.
Skipping a few doses may not cause any apparent problems initially, but certain medications may not work efficiently if their doses are missed. Hypertension medication acts by altering some chemicals in your brain. If stopped suddenly, withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, mood fluctuations, sleep disturbances, flu-like symptoms, and headache might occur. Again, the continuation of the medication will equate the brain chemicals back as needed to maintain B.P. Regular fluctuations might confuse the brain and, in turn, the whole system. One should, therefore, hold or discontinue these medications only after consulting their physician.
In case you have missed the dose by mistake and remember it at the time of your next dose, do not take the medication twice. You should follow your schedule and take the next medication as per your prescription. Activate reminders to avoid missing in the future.
When to take BP medicines
Blood pressure medications are prescribed in the morning as well as in the night time. Studies suggest that hypertension medications taken during the night are more efficient for stroke prevention than the morning dose.
Also, in an average body, the blood pressure begins to rise gradually in the morning and reaches a peak in the mid-day. It decreases in the night after sleep to get a minimum dipping point around 3-4 am in the night. However, dipping does not happen in hypertensive individuals. Therefore, the blood pressure medication taken at bedtime is more beneficial than taking it at day.
Weighing the risks and benefits, it is recommended that the prescribed blood pressure medications should be regularly taken and any skipping of a dose must be consulted with the concerned physician. Regular monitoring of blood pressure and being up-to-date with physician follow-up can also prevent sudden complications.
Note of caution: This article is for information purpose only. Always consult your doctor in case of any blood pressure or other health related problems.
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