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Vertigo and High Blood Pressure: What’s the Connection?

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Uvesh Mansuri, MD, MPH

vertigo and high blood pressure

Vertigo—that dizzying sensation where it seems like the world is spinning, can be caused by more than just inner ear problems. A surprising and mostly overlooked reason behind is High Blood Pressure.

High BP doesn’t just affect your heart and arteries; it can also affect your balance and overall sense of stability. Understanding how High BP can contribute to vertigo is crucial for effectively managing both the conditions. This article explores how vertigo and high blood pressure are connected, offering tips for addressing both the issues simultaneously.

Disclaimer: Even though vertigo is a well-known side-effect of high BP, it is important to rule out the various other causes of the same. We advise you to visit a medical professional to ensure you have complete clarity.

Understanding Vertigo

Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or dizziness that can make you feel like you or your surroundings are moving when they aren’t. It is accompanied by symptoms like nausea, unsteadiness and a loss of balance, which can significantly affect daily life.

While it’s often associated with inner ear issues, it can also be triggered by a less-known culprit: high blood pressure or hypertension. A study by Adaobi Elizabeth Osuji shows that a significant proportion of vertigo cases are linked to hypertension. Approximately 32.2% of patients presenting with vertigo at a specialised clinic in the study were also diagnosed with high blood pressure. These findings underscore the importance of considering hypertension as a possible underlying cause of vertigo. Therefore, recognizing the link between high BP and vertigo is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment.

The Basics of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when the force of blood flowing in your blood vessels is consistently too high. This can strain your heart, damage your arteries and increase your risk of serious health issues like heart disease and stroke.

The Connection Between Vertigo and High Blood Pressure: 5 Overlooked Factors!

  • Reduced Blood Flow to the Brain: High BP can damage and cause narrowing of blood vessels, making it harder for blood to reach your brain. This lack of proper circulation can disrupt balance, making you feel dizzy or off-kilter.
  • Stroke Risk: High BP is a major risk factor for stroke, which can cause significant damage to areas of the brain responsible for balance and coordination.
  • Inner Ear Damage: High BP can damage the tiny blood vessels in the inner ear (the vestibular system), which is responsible for balance and hearing. This damage can lead to vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and even hearing loss.
  • Arrhythmias: High BP can cause the heart to work harder, leading to irregular heartbeats or arrhythmias. These irregularities can impair blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain, contributing to vertigo.
  • Medication Side Effects: Some antihypertensive drugs, prescribed to manage high blood pressure, can have side effects that include dizziness or balance issues. These side effects can contribute to or worsen vertigo symptoms.

Managing Vertigo with High Blood Pressure

To manage vertigo while dealing with high blood pressure, follow these essential tips:

  • Monitor Your Blood Pressure: Keep track of your readings and follow your doctor’s guidance to control hypertension.
  • Review Medications: Talk to your doctor about any medications causing dizziness and consider alternatives.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration—which can worsen vertigo.
  • Exercise Regularly: Engage in gentle exercises to improve circulation and balance.
  • Manage Stress: Use stress-relief techniques to reduce the impact of hypertension on your vertigo.

When to Seek Medical Advice

If you experience frequent or severe vertigo, especially when accompanied by severe headaches, vision changes, or difficulty speaking, it’s crucial to seek medical advice. These symptoms could indicate a serious condition related to high blood pressure causing vertigo. Prompt medical evaluation can help determine if your vertigo is linked to hypertension and address any underlying issues.


High blood pressure can subtly impact your balance, leading to symptoms like vertigo. Understanding that high blood pressure can cause vertigo, and managing both hypertension and vertigo effectively, is essential for reducing risks and enhancing your quality of life. By addressing sudden vertigo and high blood pressure proactively, you can better manage these conditions and prevent complications.


1. Can stress cause both vertigo and high blood pressure?

Yes, stress can contribute to both high BP and vertigo. Stress can elevate your blood pressure, which, in turn, can trigger vertigo.

2. Are there specific medications that treat both Hypertension and Vertigo?

Some medications like beta-blockers can help manage hypertension and vertigo as well, by reducing its frequency. However, always consult your doctor for personalised advice.

3. How quickly can high blood pressure cause vertigo?

Vertigo due to high blood pressure can occur suddenly, especially if there’s a rapid spike in blood pressure. Regular monitoring is crucial to catch and address these changes early.


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