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Celebrating World Diabetes Day 2020

Celebrating World Diabetes Day 2020
Introduction: World Diabetes Day

Observed every year on November 14, World Diabetes Day aims at raising awareness about how to treat, prevent, and manage the increasing complexities of Diabetes. The day was initially introduced in 1991 by the International Diabetes Foundation and World Health Organization (WHO). Marked by the birth anniversary of Nobel laureate Frederick Banting, this day aims to promote the IDF’s contribution. Sir Frederick Banting is known for discovering insulin along with Charles Best in 1922. In 2006, the U.N. passed a resolution to announce November 14 as World Diabetes Day.

World Diabetes Day also stresses the importance of taking precautionary measures to battle this chronic disease. Considered as a critical global health issue, Diabetes can lead to debilitating complications if not managed at the right time.

WDD is amongst the largest diabetes awareness campaigns reaching an audience of approximately 1 billion people globally. The campaign is widespread among 160 different nations.

This Year’s Theme

This Year's ThemeEach year, WDD focuses on a theme related to Diabetes. The theme for this year’s World Diabetes Day campaign is “The Nurse and Diabetes,” wherein the entire objective is to acknowledge the role of nurses in supporting diabetic patients.

The contribution of nurses is becoming increasingly important in confronting this life-long ailment. Often nurses act as the frontline warriors for diabetic patients. This is why the 2020’s World Diabetes Day celebrates nurses’ role to support people living with this health condition.

Right from supporting patients diagnosed with early Diabetes to ensure treatment at the right time, nurses make a real difference in helping people with diabetes manage their condition. Therefore, the role of nurses needs high recognition, respect, and applauds.

Facts & Figures
Key Facts And Figures From The IDF Diabetes Atlas

Key Facts And Figures From The IDF Diabetes Atlas

  • The number of people who have diabetes is expected to rise by 578 million in 2030.
  • 1 in 11 people was found suffering from Diabetes in 2019.
  • Approx. 232 million patients remain unidentified. Most of them suffer from Type 2 Diabetes.
  • In 2019, the death rate recorded due to Diabetes was 4.2 million.

Other Facts

Other FactsAccording to the International Diabetes Federation, the growing number of diabetic patients is expected to rise to 134 million by 2045.

As per WHO, nurses make up most health professionals accounting for 59% of the nursing workforce.

There is a shortage of 5.9 million nurses globally, out of which 89% is in the low- and average-income countries. 90% of the nursing workforce hired is females. To address the increasing diabetic cases, WHO mentioned a yearly growth of 8% in the number of nurses globally. The IDF, therefore, has been taking steps to educate and train more nurses.

Diabetes And High Blood Pressure

Diabetes And High Blood PressureDiabetic patients also report high blood pressure conditions. High blood pressure is too risky for cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is essential to control it at the right time.


Diabetes might upset you, but it is important to remember that Diabetes can be cured and controlled. Therefore, the first step after diagnosis is clearly understanding the condition. Experts say that Diabetes can be cured by following the right diet, a healthy lifestyle, and exercising. Monitoring blood sugar levels is yet another critical step to recognise symptoms and manage them. Compliance with medication and a lifestyle change is all you need to get rid of this progressive disease.

Note of Caution: This article is for information purpose only. Always consult your doctor in case of any blood pressure or other health-related problems.


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