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Know Hypertension Better on World Hypertension Day 2020

Know Hypertension Better on World Hypertension Day 2020

Known to be a ‘silent killer’, hypertension or high blood pressure is more prevalent than we know it to be. It is a significant cause of heart and vascular diseases such as stroke, heart attack and kidney ailments. To control the rising number of hypertension patients and to create awareness to detect the condition early, World Hypertension Day is celebrated since 2005 on the 17th of May. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the World Health League (WHL), an affiliation of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH), postponed the celebration of World Hypertension Day from 17th of May, 2020 to 17th October, 2020.

For the first five years, the theme for World Hypertension Day was ‘Know Your Numbers’, to encourage people to find out their blood pressure levels. For the year 2020, the theme chosen for this day is– Measure Your Blood Pressure, Control It, Live Longer.

But, how does one know what is considered as ‘high’ blood pressure?

But, how does one know what is considered as ‘high’ blood pressure?According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, having a systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or higher and a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg confirms you have a disease of high blood pressure.

People with BP level of ≥140 mmHg of systolic and ≥90 mmHg of diastolic BP are considered to have hypertension. Hypertension is called the silent killer because, in most cases, the patient does not notice any signs or symptoms, as a result of which, these cases do not get diagnosed until they suffer from severe complications and ultimately death.

However, some signs and symptoms of the condition include-

  • Frequent headaches, which can become severe Frequent headaches, which can become severe
  • Breathlessness Breathlessness
  • Fatigue Fatigue
  • Nausea Nausea
  • Blurring of vision Blurring of vision
  • Bleeding from the nose Bleeding from the nose

There are many high blood pressure risk factors. These include-

  • Increasing age Increasing age
  • History of the condition in the family History of the condition in the family
  • Being obese or overweight Being obese or overweight
  • In people with inactive lifestyles and those who do not work out or exercise In people with inactive lifestyles and those who do not work out or exercise
  • Excessive salt in the diet Excessive salt in the diet
  • Consuming very little potassium in the diet Consuming very little potassium in the diet
  • Excessive alcohol consumption Excessive alcohol consumption
  • High-stress levels High-stress levels
  • Some chronic conditions (for example, thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.) Some chronic conditions (for example, thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.)

In some cases, people have some underlying cause that increases their risk for the condition, such as narrowed or hardened arteries, adrenal gland disease, hormonal abnormalities, and thyroid conditions.

People with high blood pressure have to take extra care to manage their high blood pressure risk factors and reduce them.

Here are some effective waysto manage your blood pressure levelsand keep them at optimal levels

Get active and workout regularly
Get active andworkout regularly.

Avoid tobacco and alcohol at all costs
Avoid tobacco andalcohol at all costs.

Maintain a healthy weight
Maintain ahealthy weight.

Avoid caffeinated drinks and switch to natural juices
Avoid caffeinateddrinks and switchto natural juices.

Reduce stress
Reduce stress.

Monitor your blood pressure levels regularly
Monitor yourblood pressurelevels regularly.


People with high blood pressure are usually unaware of their condition, making them vulnerable to more debilitating complications, and sometimes even death. This World Hypertension Day, let us know our numbers, measure our blood pressure, control it to live longer and healthier!

Note of Caution: This article is for information purpose only. Always consult your doctor in case of any blood pressure or other health-related problems.

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Comments (8)


Where can I find a doctor for the same?

BPincontrol Team

Hello, We are glad that you are concerned about your health. You’ll get in touch with skilled cardiologists and nutritionists to guide you through proper blood pressure maintenance. You can find a physician near you here as well. Stay healthy. Stay happy.


My age is 24, can I get hypertension?

BPincontrol Team

Hello, Nowadays, young age doesn’t promise you a healthy life. Even if you seem fit from the outside, you might not be healthy from the inside. Research says, almost half the population over 20 are prone to hypertension. High blood pressure might not have severe or noticeable symptoms, but you should keep checking your blood pressure regularly. The normal blood pressure range is below 120/80 mmHg, make sure yours falls near this. For best results, we advise a visit to your doctor. If you do not know one, you can find one here. Stay healthy. Stay happy.


How do I control my blood pressure?

BPincontrol Team

Hello, The causes for high blood pressure can be many, from having an unhealthy diet to the inheritance of genes, but it does not mean that you cannot control your blood pressure. There are various ways through which you can manage your blood pressure levels, from switching to low sodium diets, exercising regularly to limiting the amount of alcohol. It is advised to find accurate reasons to manage your blood pressure. You can do that by visiting a physician and getting proper guidance. You can find a physician near you here: Find a physician. Stay healthy. Stay happy.


What does caffeine have to do with high bp?

BPincontrol Team

Hello, Caffeine, consumed in excess quantities, is believed to raise your blood pressure for a short duration of time. Some evidence says regular consumption of caffeine increases your blood pressure temporarily. Other evidence says that drinking caffeine regularly does not affect your blood pressure. Although it is said that, a high caffeine intake can cause issues like anxiety, jitters, and rapid heartbeat. One must always take precautions and take everything in moderation. You can get in touch with a physician to know better about high blood pressure and its possible causes. If you do not know one, you can find the one near you: Find a physician. Stay healthy. Stay happy.

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