Are you ACTING Now
for an ACTIVE Lifestyle?

Find Out


One of the most common things you’ll hear about Hypertension is that its a ‘lifestyle’ disease. Naturally, lifestyle choices like what you eat, how you work, how you workout (or don’t!), and how you lead your day makes a huge difference in controlling this silent killer. Take this simple and interesting quiz to determine whether you are active enough to keep hypertension at bay.

Remember, an ACTIVE lifestyle is a Hypertension-free lifestyle!
Active Life

Know how active is your lifestyle


Question 1  out of 10

Let’s work out your workout.

01. How often do you exercise?

Let’s work out your workout.

02. Do you take the stairs instead of the lift?

Let’s work out your workout.

03. How many steps do you walk every day?

Let’s work out your workout.

04. How often do you take part in any organised sports?

Let’s check your work-life balance

05. How many hours do you sleep?

Let’s check your work-life balance

06. What are your regular working hours?

Let’s check your work-life balance

07. How often do you involve yourself in meditation?

You are what you eat, or are you?

08. How many meals do you have daily?

You are what you eat, or are you?

09. How often do you consume junk food?

You are what you eat, or are you?

10. What does your everyday food consist of?

Not bad. You have a moderately ACTIVE lifestyle

You can amp up your efforts through some minor lifestyle changes and be well on your way to healthy blood pressure management.

We’d suggest visiting your doctor and identifying the areas where you can include more activities for a healthier lifestyle.

Try visiting for understanding the importance of an active lifestyle. You’ll find valuable information about exercise, diet, stress management and lifestyle modifications that will help you maintain normal blood pressure.

Please select any one option